Font Guide Alternate (Tips for Font Users)

Horizontal Rainbow Line

Like most everything in life, you usually have a choice between high and low quality. The below tips will give you an idea how to tell the difference between high and low quality fonts. Some high quality fonts may have low quality characteristics, you have to evaluate for yourself.
Example: Monospaced fonts contain no kerning, initial caps only contain upper case characters.

        HIGH QUALITY FONTS                    LOW QUALITY FONTS
* Have a large amount of kerning     * Have a small amount or no kerning
pairs. With Type 1 fonts the kern-   pairs. If the *.PFM file is approxi-
ing pairs are stored in the *.PFM    mately 650 to 750 bytes in size
file. The larger the *.PFM file      there are probably no kerning pairs
the more kerning pairs.              for that font.

* Look good and sharp when printed   * Look good when printed in small
in small and large point sizes.      point sizes, but when printed in
                                     larger sizes or at high resolution
                                     the low quality shows.

* Contain hinting.                   * Do not contain hinting.

* Usually are smaller in file        * Usually are larger in file size,
size, because they have a minimum    because there are more control points
of control points that keep the      than necessary. The exception is a
file size as small as possible and   font that is highly detailed. Because
still keep the characters clear.     of the detail there are more control
                                     points making the font size larger.
* Usually draw to the computer       * Usually draw to the computer screen
screen or print faster. This goes    or print slower. This goes along with
along with the file size, the        the file size, the larger the file
smaller the file size the faster     size the slower the type will draw
the type will draw to the screen     to the screen or print to the printer.
or print to the printer.              

* Contain upper and lower case,      * Usually only contain upper case,
numbers, punctuation, foreign        lower case, sometimes numbers and
accented and special characters.     limited punctuation.

Horizontal Rainbow Line


All contents copyright 1996-97 by Dennis Palumbo
Last Revised: September 1, 1997